Tabloid New York Post Fails Middle School Level Spelling While Ripping ESPN for Sabathia Photo Error
New York Post can’t spell whereas but rips ESPN for wrong photo of Sabathia

The NY Post ripped ESPN for wrong photo of Sabathia but,, can't spell whereas
By Scott Mandel
The New York Post, one of the leading tabloid newspapers in the New York tri-state region, ripped ESPN, yesterday, for mistakenly putting up a picture of Aaron Hicks with the graphic, below, “Leads Active Pitchers with 249 Wins.”
Then, the Post wrote, in its accompanying article,
“Hicks, an outfielder, most certainly does not lead active pitchers with 249 wins.
Besides plainly not being Sabathia, Hicks also throws right-handed, where as Sabathia is left-handed. Sabathia didn’t pick up his milestone 250th win, as the Yankees lost, 8-5.”
HEY POST sports editorial staff, you misspelled the word, WHEREAS. Editors of newspapers and magazines know better than to go to press with your incorrect two-worded version, “WHERE AS…….Sabathia is left-handed…”
The lesson here, New York Post, is, if you’re going to rip another news provider for its errors, clean up your own house. You must know scrutiny goes both ways. Your F in spelling is not even irony. You just look plain silly.
You still have great sports writers, though, New York Post, WHEREAS, many newspapers have lost their way. So, keep up the mostly good work, New York Post.